Step 2
Domain Options
Step 3
Step 5

SSL Certificates

Accepting credit card payments online by e-Path

Product Configuration

The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from.

Mission Critical Global Reach VPS - MCGR-8
- 8 Core CPU Processor
- 300GB RAID 10 Disk Space
- 4TB Premium Bandwidth
- 12GB RAM
- Fully Managed & Monitored inclusive
- Security Hardened & Firewall inclusive
- cPanel: Choose the number of hosting accounts during this ordering
- Host resellers
- Full Root Access
- 2 IP Addresses
- Genuine low occupancy main nodes
Security hardened, CSF Firewall and threat scanning software
- Full systems administration incl. management and active-core monitoring... (a $154.00/month value)

Billing Cycle:

Choose Product Addons

The following addons are available for this product. Choose the addons you wish to order below.

Additional Required Information

This product/service requires some additional information from you to allow us to process your order.

Main Server Domain: Domain to use as the host name for this server

Netports is global hosting infrastructure service provider to both retail and wholesale sectors
Copyright (©) 1998 - NETPORTS PTY LTD
ACN: 162532694 | ABN: 74162532694